Sometimes it’s the things that ought to be easiest which seem to pose the most problems. Take your average enquiry form, for example. It shouldn’t be difficult to find a solution that enables you to create and launch your own online form – the way you want it, without costing the earth or taking an age. Well, up to now, that’s arguably been something of a pipe dream. Now, however, with, those days are over. This simple to use package offers tremendous flexibility to web users and webmasters alike. Thanks to special plugins and modules, about which you can see more on, you can create forms and questionnaires for virtually any kind of website, including Drupal and WordPress sites. Whilst there is a full range of pre-filled form fields at your disposal, so you can get started on building your form straightaway, you also have the option of creating your very own form fields. Other features concern data collection functionalities, multi-lingual displays (choose from up to 20 European and Asian languages) and form submission security. The FormForAll website has a range of finished forms on display, from survey forms and email newsletter forms to various html contact form models.